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April 2018 BOE Minutes

April 17, 2018

REGULAR MEETING – April 9, 2018
Minutes of the board meeting are not official until after approval at the next regularly scheduled board
The Board of Education of USD #511 met in regular session on Monday, April 9 th , 2018 and was called to
order by President Lynda Newberry at 6:00pm. Members present included Jolene Peterson, Tye
McDaniel, Brett Traffas, Rogena Grigsby, Shirley Barrett, and Roger Goodman. Guests present were Sara
Polson, Mike Campbell and Mike Sanders. Also present was Superintendent Charles Keller and Clerk of
the Board Amie Loreg.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
President Lynda Newberry recognized guests.
Sara Polson met with the board to ask them to consider increasing the number of junior high
cheerleaders from 4 to 6.  She showed the board a list of 16 girls who signed up for cheerleading tryouts
and said the girls will fundraise to purchase the extra uniforms.
Sara left the meeting at 6:04 p.m.
Mike Campbell met with the board to discuss the Art Club.  He informed them that there are currently 8
members, he has an art trip planned to take them on and that they are working to establish an art
scholarship. He invited all members to an art show they are holding April 25th at the memorial building.
Roger Goodman entered the meeting at 6:09 p.m.
The agenda was amended to add items 6d. New hires: Cecil McKeever custodial part time help and
Jennifer Freund, Title I and item 9e. Red Cross Facility Agreement, both as action items.
Goodman moved and McDaniel seconded to approve the amended agenda. 7-0, motion carried.
Grigsby moved and Barrett seconded to approve the consent agenda tabling item 6d. Personnel until
later in the meeting. 7-0, motion carried.
Special Education - Roger reported on the most recent meeting held at SCKSEC. He reported a discussion
took place about building a new Learning Center facility and close the current facility that is housed in
Curriculum - nothing.
Technology - nothing.
Summer Recreation - Signups for summer ball have been sent home. Soccer has started and will be
played in Attica April 14th. It was reported Harper will hold a state ball tournament and asked, if
necessary, could our field could be used as a backup.  The tournament will take place in July and their
insurance would cover the event. The board agreed that would be fine.
Transportation Log - nothing
Budget summary - reviewed by board.
Wellness Center - Fire Tronics fixed a pull at the Wellness Center.
Old Business
Class Enrollment - A proposal was presented to the board concerning college class enrollment. After
reviewing the proposal Traffas moved and Peterson seconded to approve the proposal upon removing a
line allowing for hardship cases, clarifying subject specific courses would be reviewed with the counselor

and administration and stating the policy had to fall in line with the schedule being created.  7-0, motion

New Book Proposal – Information presented of books currently in the district, their age and curriculum
guidelines in comparison to the state's current guidelines. After discussion it was decided that the board
would like to allow teachers to begin looking at new math books for next year K-12.  
New business
Cheerleading - McDaniel moved and Goodman seconded to allow 6 Junior High cheerleaders. 7-0,
motion carried
Expectations for Next Year - tabled
Red Cross facility agreement it was reported that the wellness center had been measured for the
possibility of using it during a disaster for Red Cross. Goodman moved and McDaniel seconded to
approve a facility agreement with Red Cross presented by Shirley Barrett on behalf of Red Cross subject
to KASB approval. 7-0, motion carried
Items by Board
Grigsby asked that the senior class be reminded about the upcoming Alumni Banquet as they are
honored guest. McDaniel mentioned someone asking about the motto chosen by the 8th grade class for
their upcoming promotion. Mike Campbell, one of the 8th grade class sponsors recited the motto for the
board. After discussion it was decided to have the 8th grade choose a new motto.
Administration - Mr. Keller reported that he has been interviewing candidates for open positions, wood
chips have been purchased for the play center on the playground, Bret Ricke ordered fertilizer for the
facility grounds. Mr. Keller also reported that he had a contract from Greenbush for the natural gas
proposal and that activity 1 bus is at the Yoder shop for repairs.  After being questioned about
compliance with the food service department, he reported that food being sold out of a classroom
would be discussed with staff and stopped.
Mike Campbell left the meeting at 7:19 p.m.
Grigsby moved and Peterson seconded to go into executive session for negotiations to discuss matters
relating to employer-employee negotiations pursuant to the negotiations exemption to protect the
district's right to the confidentiality of its negotiating position and the public interest for 10 minutes with
the board, Mr. Keller and Mr. Sanders. 7 - 0, motion carried. Meeting to resume at 7:29 p.m. Goodman
moved and McDaniel seconded to extend the executive session for 20 minutes, meeting to resume at
7:50 p.m. 7-0, motion carried.
McDaniel moved and Grigsby seconded to approve items 6d Personnel to include the resignation of
Katie Capps as Title 1//Social Worker, as well as new hires Cecil McKeever and Jennifer Fruend. 7-0,
motion carried
Mr. Keller left the meeting at 7:56 p.m.
Expectations for Next Year - The board met with Mr. Sanders to discuss expectations and the direction
that they would like to move next year. Mr. Sanders spoke about professional learning dates and
training for poverty simulation.
Goodman moved and Peterson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m . 7-0, motion carried.  

Meeting adjourned,

Amie Loreg
Clerk of the Board of Education 511

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