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August 2018 BOE Minutes

REGULAR MEETING – August 13th, 2018
Minutes of the board meeting are not official until after approval at the next regularly scheduled board
The Board of Education of USD #511 met in regular session on Monday, August 13 th and was called to
order by President Lynda Newberry at 5:45pm. Members present included Jolene Peterson, Tye
McDaniel, Rogena Grigsby, and Shirley Barrett. Guests present were Alan Allenbach, Kate Hankins, Mike
Campbell and Cindy Warren. Also present was Superintendent Mike Sanders and Clerk of the Board
Amie Loreg.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
The board held it’s annual budget hearing. Mr. Sanders discussed with all present the proposed budget.
Brett Traffas entered the meeting at 5:50pm.
Grigsby moved and Peterson seconded to adjourn the budget hearing. 6-0, motion carried.
President Lynda Newberry recognized guests.
Alan Allenbach met with the board on behalf of the Attica Market board. The Attica Market will serve as
the town’s new grocery store. Allenbach explained that the Attica Market board is seeking the “okay”
from local boards for the store to do what used to be known as a “Neighborhood Revitalization”,
reducing the taxes over the first 10 years. The Attica Market board has to be granted permission from
the local entities, the school being the last visited. Allenbach left the meeting at 6:06pm.
Mike Campbell met with the board to discuss the community revitalization project he is helping with for
the summer of 2019. He stated that public art projects and murals had been topics of conversation.
McDaniel moved and Traffas seconded to approve the agenda. 7-0, motion carried.
Traffas moved and Peterson seconded to approve the consent agenda, to include new hires Janice
Troyer as SIT (Student Improvement Team) Coordinator and Jennifer Orr as part time kitchen help. 6-0,
motion carried.
Special Education: Mr. Sanders reported that negotiations for the cooperative had been met and raises
were given. He talked about two of Attica’s students who were affected by the closing of the Sharon
Learning Center. One will be located in the program at Kiowa with a para providing transportation while
the second will attend Harper Elementary, as they house a comparable program, driving is still being
figured out for this student. Mr. Sanders suggested for next year increasing the Pre-School fee as the
current charge covers nothing for the program.
Curriculum: Mr. Sanders presented the board with a flow chart of updating curriculum and discussed the
process and timeline that it takes to update the right way.
Technology: Mr. Sanders commented on a letter received from SCTelcom by all businesses.

Summer Rec: Nothing at this time.
Transportation Log: Mr. Sanders reported that the bus inspections went well. He discussed considering
selling Act 2. The board agreed and thought sealed bids was the best option for the sale. Mr. Sanders
asked about the bus loading zones he created and sent out to members to view.
Budget Summary of Funds: Nothing at this time.
Wellness Center: Mr. Sanders reported that a termite inspection and protection was done to the
building by The Bug Guys.
Old Business
New Business
Supplemental Coaching – Peterson moved and McDaniel seconded to approve the list as presented with
the removal Craig Winters as junior high girls basketball assistant coach due to him resigning that
position but not being removed from the list. 6-0, motion carried.
Handbook – Discussions took place concerning student honors and removing ISS as a disciplinary action.
Mr. Sanders stated that he will be taking the handbook to the students as well for discussion. This is
considered the first read.
Pilot Project Fees – Mr. Sanders discussed the pilot project that some of our students will be helping
with. The project is to rebuild a home in Harper for the resale to local family. The program has fees and
certifications associated with it, Mr. Sanders discussed those fees being viewed the same as any other
secondary course and would be the students responsibility.
Algebra III – Mr. McCartney would like to alternate his current Trig/Calc class with an Algebra III course
on an every other year rotation. Traffas moved and Grigsby seconded add Algebra III as a class. 6-0,
motion carried.
Fire Marshall – Mr. Sanders discussed crisis drills monthly being a new thing for this year.
Golf – Members reviewed a proposal for the possible addition of Golf. A decision has to be made by
Board Comments:
Shirley commented that she had been in the kitchen recently and the staff was grateful for the new
Jolene asked about the approved bathroom renovations that were to completed by Blick Construction.
Mr. Sanders stated that the work had not been started as the summer did not allow it but the company
is looking at coming in over weekends or Christmas break to do the work.

Mr. Sanders said he received good feedback from those who attended the Buck Institute trainings at
Pratt and from those who did the Culture Audit in house. There is still about half the staff remaining for
the Culture Audit. He discussed the students enrolled in college classes not needing to be on campus
during those time frames until the classes start. He informed the board briefly about a fence built
around the Black Hills meter on the playground, the water line repair, USDA grants for the parking lot
and kitchen repairs, quotes he is waiting on from the P1 group, the plaques lining the high school
hallways, and reported that the league voted to not allow Wichita Classic or Medicine Lodge in.
McDaniel moved and Barrett seconded to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss
negotiations pursuant to the negotiations matter exception, to protect the district’s right to the
confidentially of its negotiation position and the public interest with Mr. Sanders and the board. 6-0,
motion carried. Meeting to resume at 8:01pm.
Traffas moved and McDaniel seconded to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss specific
persons pursuant to the non elected personnel matter exception, to protect the privacy interests of an
identifiable individual with Mr. Keller and the board. 6-0, motion carried. Meeting to resume at 8:16pm.
Traffas moved and Peterson seconded to adjourn. 6-0, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned,

Amie Loreg
Clerk of the Board of Education 511

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